Thursday 18 August 2016

Tips for a Warmer Home and Lower Power Bills

It’s an all too common issue that residents living in Marlborough have to deal with during the winter – climbing power bills as the cold weather sets in.

Heaters cost a lot to run and a house not properly insulated could be costing you both money and comfort. Here’s a few tips to save you some cash and keep you comfortable this winter.

Warmer Home and Lower Power Bills

Giving Your Walls Their Winter Woolies

You are not the only thing that needs to be wrapped up snug.

It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to get your house relatively insulated. You lose a lot of heat through the floor, roof and walls, and putting barriers up to keep the heat from escaping will make for a warmer and drier home.

Rugs will aid in heat loss through the floor, and making sure you have good insulation in the roof and walls will also help greatly.

Checking for draughts around your home is a must. Look for electrical cables, gas lines and water pipes that go from the interior to the exterior of your home.

There’s a good chance that the caulk which was used originally to keep them in place and prevent draughts has worn down and cracked away. Seal these gaps with expanding foam.

Evicting your Home’s Draughts

Windows can account for around 25% of heat loss in the home but they’re not exactly the easiest of things to insulate.

Firstly, curtains are a must. They should be opened when the sun comes out and closed before the sun goes away again, especially windows that the sun shines directly onto. Make use of the sunshine while it’s around in the winter.

Another little trick is to cover the windows and any glass doors with plastic film, like what you might use to wrap up your sandwiches in. If you’re careful, you can get it to look completely invisible, but it’s still providing another layer of protection against the cold.

Make sure that the windowsills are well-fitted and there are no gaps in the wood. Also, remember to lock your windows rather than just closing them – locks pull the windows tighter shut and makes it harder for the ever-elusive warm air to get out.

Heating and Circulating Warm Air

Old heat pumps and heaters often use a lot more power than newer ones. Modern heaters are built with energy conservation in mind, and their range of settings make it easier to adjust the temperature perfectly for your specific home and lifestyle.

A small portable heater is much better than one big heater in the living room. Shifting it between rooms will ensure the whole house gets some warmth and will let the whole place dry out.

Having a modern heat pump system will also help. Most come with settings that allow you to set temperatures and times, so your house will be warm when you get home from work but won’t be chewing through the power all day.

A ventilation system in your house to circulate the warm air could also be beneficial, allowing the warmth to spread throughout the entire home.

Keeping warm and dry during the cold months boosts your health, comfort and standard of living greatly. Any investment you make in the ways of a heat pump or insulation pays for itself as long as you live in that home.

And once you’ve spent the time and money getting your house sorted, you’ll be saving it all in power bills every single winter.


The post Tips for a Warmer Home and Lower Power Bills appeared first on HvacSupplies.


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