Wednesday 10 August 2016

Meth Contaminated Houses – A Growing Issue

Controversial subject today, but an issue that is close to home for some. This is a problem that affects the entire housing industry. Landlords, tenants, buyers & sellers, are all at the mercy of this national epidemic. What are the solutions?

Methamphetamine Houses – A New Zealand Epidemic

The meth problem in New Zealand is bigger than we all care to admit. Unlike alcoholism, which is visually identified fairly easy, meth is a silent killer, that destroys its user mentally, physically, physiologically and financially.

The amount of users are astonishing. In the article from the New Zealand Drug Foundation illustrates the scale of drug use and its grasp on our country:

Drugs in New Zealand

New Zealanders as a population have some of the higher drug-use rates in the developed world, evidenced in the 2007/2008 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey, which reports that one in six (16.6%) New Zealanders aged 16–64 years had used drugs recreationally in the past year.

drug use stats in new zealand

Read the full article here…

Is it getting worse? There seem to be many conflicting statements being made. At one point it was observed that meth use in New Zealand had halved, but then we see headlines talking about tonnes of meth washing up on our shorelines.

The video below, from the New Zealand Drug Foundation YouTube channel talks about some of the strategies New Zealand has implemented in the hopes to address the issue:

What are your thoughts on this issue? Would you agree that things are betting better or worse? Do you know of anyone who has battled with this addiction?

The Damage To Our Housing Industry

The damage this drug does to its users is horrendous. On a physical level, a heavy user can be easily picked out of the crowd so in a way, its easier to deny its stranglehold by turning your back on it, refusing to acknowledge its presence.

When it comes to your house, be it a rental or an investment property, the damage caused by methamphetamine being manufactured in your property can be financially crushing.

In this article recently published on the Harcourts Marlborough Blog by author Tracey Monaghan talks about the rising impact of meth and the procedures put in place:

Meth contamination – an overview

With the rising impact of meth, developing new standards and guidelines for the testing and remediation of affected properties is critical.

In May a committee was set up to develop a standard (NZS 8510) covering the testing and remediation of properties contaminated by the manufacture or use of methamphetamine.

“We’re making sure we’ve got good procedures in place, keeping our tenants and landlords well informed about those processes and the choices available to them.”

Read the full blog here…

Your Opinions & Experience

Do you have any experience with this issue?

Have you ever rented a house, to find out later that it had been used to manufacture “P”. How much did this effect you financially and physically?

Have you been burnt by a tenant who manufactured methamphetamine in your house? What kind of damage was done? What steps did you take to identify and fix the problem?

Does this drug epidemic change how you feel about renting out your house, or if you are are renter, what are your concerns?

If you’re wanting to get your house tested here are some resources:

The post Meth Contaminated Houses – A Growing Issue appeared first on HvacSupplies.


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