Thursday 30 June 2016

Homeowners, How Do You Feel About This?

Hobbiton, New ZealandWe go through our lives, building our financial portfolio’s, working towards our goal of owning a slice of heaven we call our home. By the time we are ready to buy we know exactly what we want, how we want it and where we want it to be.

Everything is planned out right down to the kind of letter box, only to find that the subdivision we want to build our house in doesn’t allow certain features on our house!

How Far is Too Far?

In the article below from, Heather Simpson writes about the rules that some Marlborough subdivisions has when it comes to housing:

Subdivision rules designed to keep Marlborough homeowners in check

At Dry Hills in Marlborough, noisy and smelly pets are strictly forbidden, with pigs and roosters getting a special mention.

And if you thought you could rent out a spare room through Airbnb, think again. Homes cannot double up as a hostel or a B&B lodgings, according to the rules.

If you live in Marlborough Ridge Resort, between Blenheim and Renwick, you can’t have your delicates on display.

Homeowners have to screen their washing line so they are not visible from roads or neighbouring houses. Yet some sections are banned from having a boundary fence – only hedges are permitted.

Developers behind Blenheim’s Nottinghill subdivision have ruled all boundary fences must be made from timber and stained with an ebony finish.

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At least 50 per cent of the front fence must be covered by plantings such as creeper or climbing roses. Alternatively, you can plants trees and shrubs directly in front of the fence.

Satellite dishes and solar panels cannot be visible from the road or give a reflection or glare that creates a nuisance to neighbours.

In Covent Gardens, all the homes in Evesham Lane and Stamford Lane have to be two-storey, giving an “exclusive look and feel”.

Peter Ray Homes Blenheim co-owner Donna Lee said the rules, or covenants, were in place to keep standards up.

Read the full article here

What Is Your Opinion?

There is definitely valid arguments on both sides of the street. If you built the home of your dreams in the subdivision of your dreams, how would you feel about someone building a “dog box” right next door?

What about having a unique house that is not your standard “cookie cutter” layout that’s mass produced and being lived in by every man and his dog?

How about the freedom to do as you wish on the land you purchased without aesthetic limitations. Having the option of creative freedom?

At least we can be thankful that we don’t have crazy limitations like the article below:

Shingles Must Be the Same, Even If You’re Home Has Been Hit By a Plane: A man in Florida went through a devastating event in which a plane crashed into his home, killing his wife and infant son. But the HOA had no sympathy for him and slapped him with a fine while he was rebuilding his home because the shingles didn’t match.

Read the full article here

The post Homeowners, How Do You Feel About This? appeared first on HvacSupplies.


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