Thursday 16 June 2016

Crazy Warm Weather Relief

Bright Sunny day at Bara-lacha la
This winters weather has been strange this year. When the sun is on form it really puts on a show! What does that mean for you?

It means taking advantage of the sun while its out. Perhaps getting an extra load of washing hung out and dried. Possibly make that morning run a bit more bearable.

The article below talks about the weird Autumn that lead us into our 2016 winter.

Warm weather puzzles researchers

Researchers are trying to work out exactly why this autumn was the second warmest on record, surpassed only by the autumn of 1938, a climate scientist says.

This autumn was the second hottest on record, with a nationwide average temperature of 14.7 degrees celcius.

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) said yesterday this autumn was the second warmest overall, with a nationwide average temperature of 14.7 degrees celcius.

Victoria University professor James Renwick said El Nino would usually bring cooler temperatures to New Zealand at this time of year.

“Warm water has moved into our region from further north, warm water coming down the east Australian current and so on. Having very warm seas over on to the west of us has helped keep temperatures up.

“Exactly why that’s happened is subject to ongoing research. We have yet to work out what is going on there.”

Read the rest of the article from here

As you can see this warm snap has baffled our weather experts. With that said, there are some who can’t wait for the cold weather to hit.

The many Ski Fields around New Zealand, like the one featured in the article below, were somewhat relieved once the Autumn warmth started its decline and the cool kiss of winter made its appearance.

Skifields relieved as warm weather ends

The New Zealand ski season gets under way tomorrow after a worrying last-ditch spell of unfavourable weather.

Chairlifts will open at Mt Hutt in Canterbury, and at Coronet Peak and Cardrona in Otago.

Managers at all three centres were delighted to get their core business under way once more.

But a manager at Mt Hutt, James Urquart, said he was worried for a while, because solid snowfalls over several weeks were put at risk by a sudden spell of warm weather this week.

“We have taken a hammering from north-westerlies in the past few days and we have probably lost 40 to 50 centimetres of snow.

“So it is going to main trail skiing and those will come up okay, but it is not going to be what it was a few days ago when everyone was really excited and so were we.”

Read the original article from Radionz here

But the real question is how does the Autumn warmth impact you?

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Perhaps you are pretty stoked with this additional sun. The warmth isn’t enough to be running around in your shorts and singlet..

But it’s warm enough to think you don’t require adequate heating solutions in your house. Sure your heatpump or fireplace is toasty and warm while you are in the lounge to enjoy it.

As winter progresses, and the temperature drops (because it will), you will find certain areas in your house are much colder than others.

The Solution is Easy

This is when homeowners start looking for solutions to spread the warmth across all rooms of the house, which is why our smooth-air heat transfer kits have become so popular.

We have seen a major increase in homeowners and landlords use our products because:

  • They’re a cost effective way to push warmth around the house
  • Transfer kits are cheap to buy
  • They’re easy to install
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We have heat transfer packages to suit all different housing layouts.

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  • 2 Bedrooms
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  • 5 + Bedrooms

What if I just want to extend my current heat transfer system?

We got you covered.

We can offer you advice on the best way to increase the efficiency of your current setup. With our expansive range of smooth-air heat transfer kits, and our vast knowledge and experience in the HVAC industry you can rest assured that your home will be warm throughout the winter and you will be saving money in the long run.

Contact us today!

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